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Germinal Ireland Ltd

Germinal invest time and resources in consistently improving our knowledge of grass seed development and our ability to project and plan for the future. We are building unique relationships across the farming community, giving us valuable perspective.

Germinal is a longstanding company with a great history. Our heritage is built on the strength of great people.  We have grown and adapted but still value our roots.

Germinal believe in the importance of seed development, we need to be constantly looking beyond the present. Our vision for future growth is fuelled by the need to find new ways to improve performance.

Through research and development we make major contributions to the bigger global picture – sustainability, maximising yield, addressing world food demands, caring for the land and the environment.  We have key relationships with Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority in Ireland and the Institute of Biological Environmental and Rural Science (IBERS) in Wales and. This is an important part of our future research and development program and our science based innovation.

Our innovative, market leading products such as the Top 5 Range of forage mixtures and our forage brassicas, cereals and amenity mixtures are widely used throughout Ireland.  We aim to bring the best varieties to our customers with the current varieties including AberGain, AberChoice, Dunluce, Drumbo, Kintyre and AberMagic among others.


Email: ireland@germinal.com

Phone: +353 (0) 504 41100

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Germinal Ireland Ltd