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3 Events found

Reseeding event 17th May Tipperary – FREE ADMISSION

Reseeding event 17th May Tipperary – FREE ADMISSION


Reseeding event previewAs part of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Year of Sustainable Grassland initiative, the Irish Grassland Association are organising a free admission Reseeding Demonstration event for members on Wednesday 17th May.  The aim of this event will be to promote the benefits of reseeding and best practice procedures that farmers can follow to achieve better yields from their grassland.  The Irish Seed Trade Association are kindly sponsoring the event and it will be held on the farm of Donald and Lucy Bateman, Ballylooby, Cahir, Co Tipperary.

GPS: 52.325028, -7.991368

IGA Beef Conference April 27th 2016

IGA Beef Conference April 27th 2016

The 2016 IGA Beef Conference was held in the Radisson Blu Hotel and Spa, Limerick on Wednesday April 27th. A highlight of the day was an address from award winning Welsh farmer Glasnant Morgan. The conference also featured presentations on grassland management, breeding, financial management and plans for the development of the Pallaskenry College suckler herd. 

IGA 2016 Beef Conference

IGA 2016 Beef Conference

The IGA are delighted to announce that award winning Welsh farmer Glasnant Morgan will be giving a keynote address at the 2016 beef conference in the Radisson Blu Hotel and Spa, Limerick on Wednesday April 27th. Farming 450 acres, Glasnant runs a herd of 50 autumn-calving sucklers and a flock of 850 ewes. Grazed grass is integral to the farming system. Glasnant farms to get the most from pasture to maximise self-sufficiency. In the spring 10% of the farm has grass seed stitched in with a grass harrow and hopper. According to Glasnant, “Our sole aim is to produce offspring so we graze the grass hard, that’s the only way to keep on top of it.’’ Glasnant is a mentor in the Welsh Government’s Young Entrants Support Scheme, and was the National Farmers Union Wales Brecon County Chairmen for two years.

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